Once you have your website up and running the first thing I’d recommend you do is add a Google Analytics tracking code. Google Analytics is an invaluable resource for anyone using a website for business purposes and it is free. There is absolutely no reason not to do it. What it does is generate detailed statistics about your website traffic. It will help you understand how people are using the site, how many are coming and not buying, and how you can fine tune your site to create more attractive content, and better buying experience.

What is important to note that Google can’t backtrack time, and it only starts tracking this information once it is inside your site. If you don’t add the code now you will never be able to look at the insights and could miss valuable insights that could help guide your business forward.

It is very easy to get started with analytics. You just need to go to the Google Analytics page to set up your account. After you create the code you can add it to your website. From then onward, you can see how many people are coming to your site and how they navigate around your site in the Google Analytics dashboard. If your site is built on WordPress you may not even need to enter the code and can simply upload the Google Analytics Plugin which will track the information and also show you a small dashboard inside your site with basic statistics.

– By Mindy Joyce, Brand Strategy Coach