Kim Westerman Senior Contributor, Forbes
One of the things I miss most about the freedom to leave my house — don’t get me wrong, I’m deeply grateful to be able to safely shelter-in-place — is my weekly visits to wineries in Napa and Sonoma. But many creative folks in the wine industry have figured out how to replicate tasting room experiences in the comfort of your own home. Here are three wineries to help you get your party started.
The Wine Foundry & Anarchist Wine Co.
Want a virtual tasting of wines you hand-select? Just purchase four wines from The Wine Foundry (usually allocated, but now open to all) or Anarchist Wine Co. (the retail cousin of the custom winemaking operation), and you can schedule a 45-minute tasting session with Stuart Ake, a wine educator with a down-t0-earth style and deep wine knowledge. To purchase wine and schedule a tasting, email (This is an ongoing program available year ’round, but especially apropros during a pandemic.)