News & Events2022-08-16T00:51:43+00:00

News & Events

Wine Ink: Try the winemaking process at The Wine Foundry

By |August 10th, 2017|

So you want to make some wine? Good on you. There is no better way to learn about wine than to make it. But let's say that, like many of us, you lack the capital to invest in prime vineyard land, superior winemaking facilities, fancy consultants, brand designers and distributors. Welcome to the club. Fortunately there is a way to dip a toe into the wine world and make your own wine without spending a fortune. And great wine at that.

Make America Grape Again

By |June 7th, 2016|

On the eve of the California primary, The Wine Foundry is throwing our hat… er, T-Shirt, into the fray. In the spirit of the long-shots, uprisings, and predictions-gone-wrong that have characterized this year’s Presidential race, we are inspired to commemorate the cacophony of messaging and, more importantly, to refocus our national attention on what really matters to us – the Grape!

Dear Cabby: What’s the Skinny on Wine Aerators?

By |May 4th, 2016|

Dear Cabby- I’m worried about my girlfriend. Open any drawer and you’ll find an assortment of corkscrews, foil cutters and charms. For the most part, I’ve accepted her obsession with wine paraphernalia. However, yesterday, while cleaning, I found a wine aerator. When asked about it, she admitted using on a regular basis. Should I be worried? Sincerely, Worried in Waukegan

Dear Cabby: Is Rain Hurting the Vintage?

By |January 26th, 2016|

Dear Cabby, Recent January rains have me concerned about my spouse. She’s an obsessive wine geek and started moping around the house in fear the wet weather is hurting the upcoming vintage. Any suggestions? Sincerely, Soaking in Sonoma

Sauvignon Blanc versus Proprietary White Blend

By |January 26th, 2016|

Summer temperatures call for crisp wines to cut through heat and humidity. Sauvignon Blanc from Morgaen Lee Vineyard remains a favorite as it delivers both, acid-driven minerality and plenty of fruit. A winning, one-two combo. But, why only one refreshing selection? Last Harvest, the winemakers experimented with a top-secret co-fermentation of Chenin Blanc, Gewürztraminer & Riesling. This ain’t no saccharine sweet version either.

Lewis Vineyard is all Exclamation Points.

By |January 26th, 2016|

Lewis Vineyard is all exclamation points. Comic book heroes throwing punches of Bang! Zoom! Pow! Wines from this vineyard are not for the faint of heart. But, for those seeking a gorgeous and massive Cabernet, Lewis Vineyard delivers the grail. We’re honored to re-introduce the property to our 2016 Vineyard Guide.

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